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[cf-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: 1.1.x-nightly #14

See <>

[...truncated 2418 lines...]
<-----   ACK [MID=7001, T=20], 2.05, 2:0/1/32, observe(0), size2(80)
Observe relation established
CON [MID=7002, T=21], GET, /obs, 2:1/0/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=7002, T=21], 2.05, 2:1/1/32, size2(80)
CON [MID=7003, T=21], GET, /obs, 2:2/0/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=7003, T=21], 2.05, 2:2/0/32, size2(80)
<-----   CON [MID=960, T=20], 2.05, 2:0/1/32, observe(1), size2(80)
   === changed ===
ACK [MID=960]    ----->
CON [MID=7004, T=22], GET, /obs, 2:1/0/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=7004, T=22], 2.05, 2:1/1/32, size2(80)
CON [MID=7005, T=22], GET, /obs, 2:2/0/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=7005, T=22], 2.05, 2:2/0/32, size2(80)
<-----   CON [MID=961, T=20], 2.05, 2:0/1/32, observe(2), size2(80)
   === changed ===
RST [MID=961]    ----->

 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:02)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
Server binds to port 44693
Establish an observe relation and receive NON notifications
288 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /obs - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
Resource changed: First notification 7597934022
Resource changed: Second notification 4579082982
Resource changed: Third notification 1894680016
Reject notification
NON [MID=7001, T=23], GET, /obs, observe(0)    ----->
<-----   NON [MID=754, T=23], 2.05, observe(0)
Observe relation established
<-----   NON [MID=755, T=23], 2.05, observe(1)
<-----   CON [MID=756, T=23], 2.05, observe(2)
ACK [MID=756]    ----->
<-----   NON [MID=757, T=23], 2.05, observe(3)
RST [MID=757]    ----->

 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
Server binds to port 43781
Establish an observe relation. Cancellation due to a reject from the client
299 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /obs - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
Resource changed: First notification 4557179891
Reject notification
CON [MID=7001, T=24], GET, /obs, observe(0)    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=7001, T=24], 2.05, observe(0)
Observe relation established
<-----   CON [MID=474, T=24], 2.05, observe(1)// lost 
<-----   CON [MID=474, T=24], 2.05, observe(1)
RST [MID=474]    ----->

 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
Server binds to port 52064
Establish an observe relation. Cancellation after timeout. During the timeouts, the resource still changes.
309 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /obs - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2016-12-07 02:39:03)
Resource changed: First notification 9614965102
Resource changed: Second notification 6229334843
Resource changed: Third notification 1142832253
315 INFO [ObserveLayer$NotificationController]: Notification 25 timed out. Cancel all relations with source / - ($ onTimeout() in thread CoapServer#5 at (2016-12-07 02:39:04)
CON [MID=7001, T=25], GET, /obs, observe(0)    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=7001, T=25], 2.05, observe(0)
Observe relation established
<-----   CON [MID=890, T=25], 2.05, observe(1)// lost 
<-----   CON [MID=890, T=25], 2.05, observe(1)// lost (1. retransmission)
<-----   CON [MID=890, T=25], 2.05, observe(2)// lost (2. retransmission)
<-----   CON [MID=890, T=25], 2.05, observe(3)// lost (3. retransmission)
<-----   CON [MID=890, T=25], 2.05, observe(3)// lost (4. retransmission)

 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:04)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:04)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:04)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:04)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:04)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:04)
Server binds to port 46265
Establish an observe relation. Cancellation after timeout
323 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /obs - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2016-12-07 02:39:04)
Resource changed: First notification
Resource changed: Second notification
Resource changed: Third notification
Resource changed: Forth notification
Resource changed: Fifth notification
330 INFO [ObserveLayer$NotificationController]: Notification 26 timed out. Cancel all relations with source / - ($ onTimeout() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
CON [MID=7001, T=26], GET, /obs, observe(0)    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=7001, T=26], 2.05, observe(0)
Observe relation established
<-----   NON [MID=274, T=26], 2.05, observe(1)
<-----   NON [MID=275, T=26], 2.05, observe(2)
<-----   CON [MID=276, T=26], 2.05, observe(3)
ACK [MID=276]    ----->
<-----   NON [MID=277, T=26], 2.05, observe(4)
<-----   CON [MID=278, T=26], 2.05, observe(5)// lost
<-----   CON [MID=278, T=26], 2.05, observe(5)// lost
<-----   CON [MID=278, T=26], 2.05, observe(5)// lost
<-----   CON [MID=278, T=26], 2.05, observe(5)// lost
<-----   CON [MID=278, T=26], 2.05, observe(5)// lost

 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
Server binds to port 52281
Establish an observe relation to a quickly changing resource and do no longer respond
338 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /obs - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
Resource changed: First notification 7689717713
Resource changed: Second notification 5260614299
Resource changed: NON notification 1 6586097980
Resource changed: NON notification 2 2743238794
Resource changed: NON notification 3 1554001684
Resource changed: NON notification 4 3550944580
345 INFO [ObserveLayer$NotificationController]: Notification 27 timed out. Cancel all relations with source / - ($ onTimeout() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
CON [MID=7001, T=27], GET, /obs, observe(0)    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=7001, T=27], 2.05, observe(0)
Observe relation established
<-----   NON [MID=534, T=27], 2.05, observe(1)
<-----   CON [MID=535, T=27], 2.05, observe(2)
<-----   CON [MID=535, T=27], 2.05, observe(3)
<-----   CON [MID=535, T=27], 2.05, observe(4)
<-----   CON [MID=535, T=27], 2.05, observe(5)
<-----   CON [MID=535, T=27], 2.05, observe(6)
   server cancels the relation

 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
End ObserveServerSideTest
Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.593 sec - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.lockstep.ObserveServerSideTest
Running org.eclipse.californium.core.test.maninmiddle.LossyBlockwiseTransferTest

Start LossyBlockwiseTransferTest 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:05)
Starting man in the middle...
Client at 49512, middle at, server at 44339
uri: coap://localhost:52890/test
Man in the middle will drop packets [5, 6, 8, 9, 15]
Dropping packet 5 (burst 1)
Dropping packet 6 (burst 2)
Dropping packet 8 (burst 3)
Dropping packet 9 (burst 4)
Dropping packet 15 (burst 1)
Received 250 bytes
Man in the middle will drop packets [0, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 11, 13, 15]
Dropping packet 0 (burst 1)
Dropping packet 1 (burst 2)
Dropping packet 5 (burst 1)
Dropping packet 6 (burst 2)
Dropping packet 8 (burst 3)
Dropping packet 9 (burst 4)

 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:16)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:17)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:17)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:17)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:17)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-12-07 02:39:17)
End LossyBlockwiseTransferTestTests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 12.047 sec <<< FAILURE! - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.maninmiddle.LossyBlockwiseTransferTest
testBlockwiseTransferToleratesLostMessages(org.eclipse.californium.core.test.maninmiddle.LossyBlockwiseTransferTest)  Time elapsed: 12.047 sec  <<< FAILURE!
Expected: is not null
     but: was null
	at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(
	at org.junit.Assert.assertThat(
	at org.junit.Assert.assertThat(
	at org.eclipse.californium.core.test.maninmiddle.LossyBlockwiseTransferTest.getResourceAndAssertPayload(
	at org.eclipse.californium.core.test.maninmiddle.LossyBlockwiseTransferTest.testBlockwiseTransferToleratesLostMessages(

Results :

Failed tests: 
Expected: is not null
     but: was null

Tests run: 25, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Parent ............................ SUCCESS [  2.058 s]
[INFO] element-connector .................................. SUCCESS [ 54.084 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Demo Certificates ................. SUCCESS [  0.797 s]
[INFO] Scandium (Sc) Core ................................. SUCCESS [ 20.411 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Core .............................. FAILURE [ 45.886 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Proxy ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Californium (Cf) OSGi Bundle ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Demo Applications ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Sc-DTLS-Example-Server ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Sc-DTLS-Example-Client ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-PlugtestClient .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-PlugtestChecker ................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-PlugtestServer .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-HelloWorldClient ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-HelloWorldServer ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-CoCoAClient ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-SecureServer .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-ExampleCrossProxy ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-BenchmarkServer ................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-ObserveBenchmarkClient .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:06 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-12-07T02:39:18-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 43M/1934M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - Build failed with exception(s)
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - [1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (large-tests) on project californium-core: There are test failures.

Please refer to /jobs/genie.californium/1.1.x-nightly/workspace/californium-core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[DEBUG] Closing connection to remote
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (large-tests) on project californium-core: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to /jobs/genie.californium/1.1.x-nightly/workspace/californium-core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :californium-core
[DEBUG] Waiting for process to finish
[DEBUG] Result: 1
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results

This message is automatically generated by Hudson. 
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