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[cf-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: master #104

See <>


[Kai Hudalla] [#83] Prevent re-use of tokens before exchange completion/timeout

[Kai Hudalla] [#101] Use SecureRandom for generating token bytes.

[...truncated 1098 lines...]
<-----   ACK [MID=667, T=9d2f64aa51082307], 2.31, 1:4/1/32    
CON [MID=668, T=9d2f64aa51082307], PUT, /test, 1:5/1/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=668, T=9d2f64aa51082307], 2.04, 1:5/1/32    
CON [MID=669, T=9d2f64aa51082307], PUT, /test, 1:6/0/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=669, T=9d2f64aa51082307], 2.04, 1:6/0/32    

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
Client binds to port 42259
TODO: Random access GET: (low priority for Cf client)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
Client binds to port 52049
Simple blockwise GET:
CON [MID=959, T=4a0cafde4237a8cd], GET, /test    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=959, T=4a0cafde4237a8cd], 2.05, 2:0/1/128    
CON [MID=960, T=4a0cafde4237a8cd], GET, /test, 2:1/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=960, T=4a0cafde4237a8cd], 2.05, 2:1/1/128    
CON [MID=961, T=4a0cafde4237a8cd], GET, /test, 2:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=961, T=4a0cafde4237a8cd], 2.05, 2:2/0/128    

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
Client binds to port 39819
Blockwise GET with early negotiation: (low priority for Cf client)
CON [MID=533, T=74915885e97168e8], GET, /test, 2:0/0/64    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=533, T=74915885e97168e8], 2.05, 2:0/1/64    
CON [MID=534, T=74915885e97168e8], GET, /test, 2:1/0/64    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=534, T=74915885e97168e8], 2.05, 2:1/1/64    
CON [MID=535, T=74915885e97168e8], GET, /test, 2:2/0/64    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=535, T=74915885e97168e8], 2.05, 2:2/1/64    
CON [MID=536, T=74915885e97168e8], GET, /test, 2:3/0/64    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=536, T=74915885e97168e8], 2.05, 2:3/1/64    
CON [MID=537, T=74915885e97168e8], GET, /test, 2:4/0/64    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=537, T=74915885e97168e8], 2.05, 2:4/1/64    
CON [MID=538, T=74915885e97168e8], GET, /test, 2:5/0/64    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=538, T=74915885e97168e8], 2.05, 2:5/0/64    

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
Client binds to port 56617
Simple blockwise GET:
CON [MID=992, T=7036b460adef2574], GET, /test    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=992], 0
<-----   CON [MID=8001, T=7036b460adef2574], 2.05    
ACK [MID=8001], 0                         -----> // lost
<-----   CON [MID=8001, T=7036b460adef2574], 2.05    
ACK [MID=8001], 0                         ----->

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
Client binds to port 49307
Blockwise GET with late negotiation and lost ACK:
CON [MID=122, T=be84c008a8b5134d], GET, /test    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=122, T=be84c008a8b5134d], 2.05, 2:0/1/128    
CON [MID=123, T=be84c008a8b5134d], GET, /test, 2:1/0/128    -----> // lost
CON [MID=123, T=be84c008a8b5134d], GET, /test, 2:1/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=123, T=be84c008a8b5134d], 2.05, 2:1/1/128    
CON [MID=124, T=be84c008a8b5134d], GET, /test, 2:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=124, T=be84c008a8b5134d], 2.05, 2:2/0/128    

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
Client binds to port 36616
Observe sequence with blockwise response:
Establish observe relation to test1
Server sends first notification...
Server sends second notification...
Server sends third notification during transfer 
307 WARNING [BlockwiseLayer]: Ongoing blockwise transfer reseted at num=1 by new notification: CON-2.05   MID= 8003, Token=fde12fae63fe2a8d, OptionSet={"Observe":19, "Block2":"(szx=3/128, m=true, num=0)"}, "-1910579609-1978402677-2".. 128 bytes - ( receiveResponse() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
Send old notification during transfer
307 INFO [BlockwiseLayer]: Ignoring old notification during ongoing blockwise transfer: CON-2.05   MID= 8004, Token=fde12fae63fe2a8d, OptionSet={"Observe":18, "Block2":"(szx=3/128, m=true, num=0)"}, "-1910579609-1978402677-2".. 128 bytes - ( receiveResponse() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
CON [MID=309, T=fde12fae63fe2a8d], GET, /test1, (observe=0)    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=309, T=fde12fae63fe2a8d], 2.05, 2:0/1/128, (observe=62350)    
CON [MID=310, T=3f3337d30e7b3b3e], GET, /test1, 2:1/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=310, T=3f3337d30e7b3b3e], 2.05, 2:1/1/128    
CON [MID=311, T=3f3337d30e7b3b3e], GET, /test1, 2:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=311, T=3f3337d30e7b3b3e], 2.05, 2:2/0/128    
... time passes ...
<-----   CON [MID=8001, T=fde12fae63fe2a8d], 2.05, 2:0/1/128, (observe=62354)    
ACK [MID=8001], 0                         ----->
CON [MID=312, T=253108d2b5e0f3e2], GET, /test1, 2:1/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=312, T=253108d2b5e0f3e2], 2.05, 2:1/1/128    
CON [MID=313, T=253108d2b5e0f3e2], GET, /test1, 2:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=313, T=253108d2b5e0f3e2], 2.05, 2:2/0/128    
... time passes ...
<-----   CON [MID=8002, T=fde12fae63fe2a8d], 2.05, 2:0/1/128, (observe=17)    
ACK [MID=8002], 0                         ----->
CON [MID=314, T=8c5150023e8e825d], GET, /test1, 2:1/0/128    ----->
<-----   CON [MID=8003, T=fde12fae63fe2a8d], 2.05, 2:0/1/128, (observe=19)    
ACK [MID=8003], 0                         ----->
CON [MID=315, T=5ba594d0c8432860], GET, /test1, 2:1/0/128    ----->
<-----   CON [MID=8004, T=fde12fae63fe2a8d], 2.05, 2:0/1/128, (observe=18)    
ACK [MID=8004], 0                         ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=315, T=5ba594d0c8432860], 2.05, 2:1/1/128    
CON [MID=316, T=5ba594d0c8432860], GET, /test1, 2:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=316, T=5ba594d0c8432860], 2.05, 2:2/0/128    

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:23)
Client binds to port 39517
Blockwise GET with Lost ACK:
CON [MID=692, T=e0f4b94347e13b3a], GET, /test    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=692, T=e0f4b94347e13b3a], 2.05, 2:0/1/128    
CON [MID=693, T=e0f4b94347e13b3a], GET, /test, 2:1/0/128    ----->
CON [MID=693, T=e0f4b94347e13b3a], GET, /test, 2:1/0/128    ----->
CON [MID=693, T=e0f4b94347e13b3a], GET, /test, 2:1/0/128    ----->

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
Client binds to port 36860
TODO: Observe sequence with early negotiation: (low priority for Cf client)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
Client binds to port 49908
Atomic blockwise POST with blockwise response:
CON [MID=417, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], POST, /test, 1:0/1/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=417, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], 2.31, 1:0/1/128    
CON [MID=418, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], POST, /test, 1:1/1/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=418, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], 2.31, 1:1/1/128    
CON [MID=419, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], POST, /test, 1:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=419, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], 2.04, 1:2/0/128, 2:0/1/128    
CON [MID=420, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], POST, /test, 2:1/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=420, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], 2.04, 2:1/1/128    
CON [MID=421, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], POST, /test, 2:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=421, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], 2.04, 2:2/1/128    
CON [MID=422, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], POST, /test, 2:3/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=422, T=9338bf593cfe2bf7], 2.04, 2:3/0/128    

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
Client binds to port 41413
Simple atomic blockwise PUT with bigger size negociation
CON [MID=930, T=4546db699bb1365f], PUT, /test, 1:0/1/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=930, T=4546db699bb1365f], 2.31, 1:0/1/256    
CON [MID=931, T=4546db699bb1365f], PUT, /test, 1:1/1/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=931, T=4546db699bb1365f], 2.31, 1:1/1/256    
CON [MID=932, T=4546db699bb1365f], PUT, /test, 1:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=932, T=4546db699bb1365f], 2.04, 1:2/0/256    

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
Client binds to port 54206
Simple atomic blockwise PUT
CON [MID=111, T=dfb18012945c4741], PUT, /test, 1:0/1/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=111, T=dfb18012945c4741], 2.31, 1:0/1/128    
CON [MID=112, T=dfb18012945c4741], PUT, /test, 1:1/1/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=112, T=dfb18012945c4741], 2.31, 1:1/1/128    
CON [MID=113, T=dfb18012945c4741], PUT, /test, 1:2/0/128    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=113, T=dfb18012945c4741], 2.04, 1:2/0/128    

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
End BlockwiseClientSideTest
Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.955 sec - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.lockstep.BlockwiseClientSideTest
Running org.eclipse.californium.core.test.lockstep.DeduplicationTest

Start DeduplicationTest
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at localhost/ - ( start() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:25)
Client binds to port 35265
Simple GET:
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 <== req CON-GET    MID= 1234, Token=bd89f54d8d8cb8da, OptionSet={"Uri-Port":40948, "Uri-Path":"test"}, no payload - ( sendRequest() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 ==> emp ACK        MID= 1234 - ( receiveEmptyMessage() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 ==> emp ACK        MID= 1234 - ( receiveEmptyMessage() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 ==> res CON-2.05   MID= 4711, Token=bd89f54d8d8cb8da, OptionSet={}, "separate" - ( receiveResponse() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 <== emp ACK        MID= 4711 - ( sendEmptyMessage() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 ==> res CON-2.05   MID= 4711, Token=bd89f54d8d8cb8da, OptionSet={}, "separate" - ( receiveResponse() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 <== emp ACK        MID= 4711 - ( sendEmptyMessage() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 ==> res CON-2.05   MID=   42, Token=bd89f54d8d8cb8da, OptionSet={}, "separate" - ( receiveResponse() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 <== emp RST        MID=   42 - ( sendEmptyMessage() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 <== req CON-GET    MID= 4711, Token=f591761187edc34b, OptionSet={"Uri-Port":40948, "Uri-Path":"test"}, no payload - ( sendRequest() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 ==> res ACK-2.05   MID= 4711, Token=f591761187edc34b, OptionSet={}, "possible conflict" - ( receiveResponse() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
343 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,948 ==> res ACK-2.05   MID= 4711, Token=f591761187edc34b, OptionSet={}, "possible conflict" - ( receiveResponse() in thread CoapEndpoint-localhost/ at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address / - ( destroy() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address / - ( stop() in thread main at (2016-10-28 07:42:26)

End DeduplicationTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.619 sec - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.lockstep.DeduplicationTest

Results :

Failed tests: 
  MemoryLeakingHashMapTest.assertAllExchangesAreCompleted:107 null

Tests run: 43, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Parent ............................ SUCCESS [  1.827 s]
[INFO] element-connector .................................. SUCCESS [ 57.847 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Demo Certificates ................. SUCCESS [  2.832 s]
[INFO] Scandium (Sc) Core ................................. SUCCESS [ 21.029 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Core .............................. FAILURE [ 29.985 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Proxy ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Californium (Cf) OSGi Bundle ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Demo Applications ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Sc-DTLS-Example-Server ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Sc-DTLS-Example-Client ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-PlugtestClient .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-PlugtestChecker ................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-PlugtestServer .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-HelloWorldClient ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-HelloWorldServer ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-CoCoAClient ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-SecureServer .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-ExampleCrossProxy ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-BenchmarkServer ................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Cf-ObserveBenchmarkClient .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:00 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-10-28T07:42:27-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 40M/1932M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - Build failed with exception(s)
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - [1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (medium-tests) on project californium-core: There are test failures.

Please refer to /jobs/genie.californium/master/workspace/californium-core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[DEBUG] Closing connection to remote
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (medium-tests) on project californium-core: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to /jobs/genie.californium/master/workspace/californium-core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :californium-core
[DEBUG] Waiting for process to finish
[DEBUG] Result: 1
Recording test results
Archiving artifacts

This message is automatically generated by Hudson. 
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