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[cf-dev] Request/Response Layer with DTLS Usage on CoAP Server Side

Hi all,


Californium implements in UdpMatcher.receiveResponse() discard of responses that do not belong to the same DTLS session as the request on CoAP-Client side. This implements the requirement of CoAP specification:


“The following rules are added for matching a response to a request: The DTLS session MUST be the same, and the epoch MUST be the same.”


But there seems to be no such mechanism for this requirement on server side, i.e. a CoAP Server may send a response to a newly established DTLS session that comes from the same IP:Port as the request. I think to accomplish the RFC it is also mandatory to ensure that no response gets sent to a DTLS session that is not the same as the one of the request.



-          There is a CoAP-Server using DTLS with server certificate but without required Client authentication.

-          There is a CoAP-Client client1 with an established DTLS session that observes a resources of this server.

-          A second CoAP-Client client2 initiates a DTLS session using the same IP:Port as client1, e.g. they are behind the same NAT and the NAT devices reuses port mappings after inactivity.

-          Now client2 receives notifies (responses) that were intended for client1. Client2 can decrypt theses notifies because the CoAP-Server encrypts them for the newly created DTLS session. These responses might leak sensitive information.  


What do you think? Is this a problem of Californium implementation or did I get something wrong here?


Best Regards,


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