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[cf-dev] Proper way of adding resources dynamically to CoAP server

Hi All,

I created a method which can be used for adding dynamically URLs into CoAP server.This is the current approach I have implemented. But needs to know is this the proper way of adding resources into the CoAP server? Let's say coapendpoints/home/room1/sensor1 is the one which needs to be added.

// endpoint--> coapendpoints/home/room1/sensor1
    String[] resources = endpoint.split("/");
    Resource childResource = coapServer.getRoot().getChild(resources[0]);
    Resource parentResource = childResource;
    if (parentResource == null && (resources.length > 1)) {
        coapServer.add(new CoAPResourcePath(resources));
    if (parentResource == null && (resources.length == 1)) {
        coapServer.add(new CoAPResourceServlet(resources[0]));
    } else if (parentResource != null && resources.length > 1) {
        int j = 1;
        for (; j < resources.length; j++) {
            if (childResource != null) {
                parentResource = childResource;
                childResource = childResource.getChild(resources[j]);
            } else {
        String[] coapEndpoint = Arrays.copyOfRange(resources, j - 1, resources.length);
        if (coapEndpoint.length > 1) {
            parentResource.add(new CoAPResourcePath(coapEndpoint));
        } else if (coapEndpoint.length == 1) {
            parentResource.add(new CoAPResourceServlet(coapEndpoint[0]));
    } else if (parentResource != null && resources.length == 1) {
        parentResource.add(new CoAPResourceServlet(resources[0]));

Here CoAPResourcePath and CoAPResourceServlet classes are extended from CoapResource.

This is the output after adding resources in this way.

 Inline image 1 

Note: I just asked this question in  stackoverflow and didn't get an answer. If you guys can explain little bit on this it would be really helpful for me.



Geesara Prathap Kulathunga
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc;
Mobile : +940772684174

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