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[cf-dev] Californium stops sending packets during firmware updates


Client : Wakamma client
Server : Leshan Server

We have been observing that Leshan server stops sending packets during a firmware upgrade process.

It happens in situations as below -

Example sinario:

server sends packet #20
server does not receive an ACK for packet #20
server again sends the same packet: packet #20
server receives and ACK packet #20
server sends next packet : packet #21
server receives second ACK for second packet #20
server stops sending packets entirely.

Meanwhile client for some reason has not received packet #21.

Below from Coap messages log:
Time   Coap Mesg MID  Token Options
14:53:41.009  CON-PUT 10021 1ebdc8 Uri-Path: 5, 0, 6 - Block1:  ? - Content-Format: 1544
14:53:41.199  ACK-2.04 10021 1ebdc8 Block1:  ?
14:53:41.199  CON-PUT 10022 1ebdc8 Uri-Path: 5, 0, 6 - Block1:  ? - Content-Format: 1544
14:53:41.388  ACK-2.04 10022 1ebdc8 Block1:  ?
14:53:41.388  CON-PUT 10023 1ebdc8 Uri-Path: 5, 0, 6 - Block1:   - Content-Format: 1544
14:53:43.577  CON-PUT 10023 1ebdc8 Uri-Path: 5, 0, 6 - Block1:   - Content-Format: 1544
14:53:43.613  ACK-2.04 10023 1ebdc8 Block1: 
14:53:43.613  CON-PUT 10024 1ebdc8 Uri-Path: 5, 0, 6 - Block1:   - Content-Format: 1544
14:53:43.743  ACK-2.04 10023 1ebdc8 Block1: 
Nothing after this. Server stop sending packets.

Console output:
Feb 24, 2016 10:53:43 PM receiveResponse
INFO: Duplicate response for open exchange: ACK-2.04   MID=10023, Token=1ebdc8, OptionSet={"Block1":"(szx=5/512, m=false, num=336)"}, no payload
Feb 24, 2016 10:53:43 PM receiveResponse
WARNING: Possible MID reuse before lifetime end: 1ebdc8 expected MID 10024 but received 10023

Currently we have circumvented this problem by ignoring duplicate packets and not sending ACKs for duplicate packets.

Is that the correct approach ?

Is this a bug in Californium ? What is the correct approach/solution for this problem ?


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