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[cf-dev] question of californium.scandium project

Project: scandium project
When I reduce the MTU (" this.maximumTransmissionUnit = 140" at linenumber 298 in function "start"), I run and   as application.

In ExampleDTLSServer console, there are org.eclipse.californium.scandium.dtls.FragmentedHandshakeMessage cannot be cast to org.eclipse.californium.scandium.dtls.ClientHello exceptions. I put the output of DTLSClient and DTLSServer's console in DTLSClientLog.txt and DTLSServerLog.txt.

When ExampleDTLSServer receive the second ClientHello there are cast exceptions in processHandshakeRecordWithoutConnection function.

I catch two Records of second ClientHello in processClientHello function.

==[ DTLS Record ]==============================================
Content Type: Handshake (22)
Peer address: /
Version: 254, 253
Epoch: 0
Sequence Number: 5
Length: 99
Handshake Protocol
Peer: /
Message Sequence No: 1
Fragment Offset: 0
Fragment Length: 87
Length: 114
Fragmented Handshake Message: 87 bytes
FE FD 56 6A 85 CF 63 FB E2 DA 7F D1 87 FD 78 82 50 E8 9B 5D 43 EF 4C 0A E1 57 4D 83 0F 3B BA CF CE 5C 00 20 BA 77 09 1D B0 66 4B 23 A2 6D 68 BB 16 E1 76 34 33 3D 9D 24 A8 33 82 B6 69 26 6B 21 5E CB C3 82 00 08 C0 AE C0 23 C0 A8 00 AE 01 00 00 20 00 0A 00 08 00


==[ DTLS Record ]==============================================
Content Type: Handshake (22)
Peer address: /
Version: 254, 253
Epoch: 0
Sequence Number: 6
Length: 39
Handshake Protocol
Peer: /
Message Sequence No: 1
Fragment Offset: 87
Fragment Length: 27
Length: 114
Fragmented Handshake Message: 27 bytes
06 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 0B 00 02 01 00 00 13 00 03 02 02 00 00 14 00 03 02 00 02


Attachment: DTLSClientLog.txt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: DTLSServerLog.txt
Description: Binary data

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