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[cf-dev] transfer of large files

Hello to everyone,


Could someone please give me a hint on how to solve this problem?


I am using the HelloWorldServer (from the cf-helloworld-server project within the Californium Java Eclipse project) to send a response to a client via „exchange.respond(theResponse);“ or exchange.respond(ResponseCode.CONTENT , theResponse);”


Server and client run on the same machine (simply run from within eclipse).


The payload of “theResponse” varies:

1)      A string „Hello world“ à works well, client receives the string without any problems

2)      A 10MB byte array from a file à works well, client receives the 10MB file without any problems

3)      A 130MB byte array from a file à an error occurs, I get the following output:


Dez 08, 2014 1:44:50 PM receiveRequest

INFORMATION: Message is a duplicate: CON-GET    MID=30101, Token=de29246d, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"fileResource3", "Block2":1048581}, ""


Dez 08, 2014 1:44:50 PM receiveResponse

WARNUNG: Token matches but not MID: Expected 30101 but was 30100

No response received.


I think there seems to be something wrong with the message handling? A duplicate message that probably should be ignored causes an error here?


(Of course, one could surely handle file transfer in many other/better ways than using CoAP. This is not my point here.)






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