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Re: [cdt-dev] CMake "Eclipse CDT4" Makefile Generator

Thanks John for sharing this.

As for cmake-file-api please see


Jonah Graham (he/him)
Kichwa Coders

On Wed, 11 Oct 2023 at 15:24, john moule via cdt-dev <cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

in a previous discussion of the "Eclipse CDT4" Makefile Generator (might have been in a CDT Call), the conclusion was it was legacy and no one knew much about it or where it was used. Well, recently I came across a use of it (in Erich Styger's blog), which I thought I'd share for interest.

It uses CMake with the generator -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" which creates Eclipse project files which are then imported as existing project into NXP MCUXpresso IDE

The generator "Eclipse CDT4" is now deprecated since version 3.27 of CMake: 

Eclipse CDT4

Hope this helps anyone who is trying to use this deprecated generator.

The CMake advice is to switch to using cmake-file-api. Is anyone aware of an Eclipse Java implementations of this?

Cheers John Moule
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