Hi Jonah,
Please kindly bear with me for a lengthy email. Java/Maven stc are still quite new to me. So I may say something does not make sense.
It seems pom.xml could not find all CDT jars from Maven central repository (https://search.maven.org/). So I tried to add CDT libraries to a local maven repo.
First I installed a Eclipse (CDT) tar build and I can see quite some org.eclipse.cdt.core_5.2.1.201102110609.jar, org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core_7.0.0.201102110609.jar etc under eclipse/plugins.
Then I ran command “mvn
org.eclipse.cdt -DartifactId=core
I can see this information under .m2\repository\org\eclipse\cdt\core\5.2.1

I have certain confidence this way it should work on my PC because it reduced a lot Not Found complains.
In my pom.xml, I have these lines:
But I still got these errors:
symbol: class InternalCoreModelUtil
location: package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model
com/baselet/cdt/core/helper/CProjectHelper.java:[49,30] cannot find symbol
symbol: class IOverwriteQuery
location: package org.eclipse.ui.dialogs
com/baselet/cdt/core/helper/CProjectHelper.java:[60,30] cannot find symbol
symbol: class IOverwriteQuery
location: class com.baselet.cdt.core.helper.CProjectHelper
com/baselet/cdt/core/helper/TestCfgDataProvider.java:[14,50] cannot find symbol
symbol: variable CTestPlugin
location: class com.baselet.cdt.core.helper.TestCfgDataProvider
com/baselet/cdt/core/helper/ResourceHelper.java:[117,17] cannot find symbol
symbol: variable Assert
location: class com.baselet.cdt.core.helper.ResourceHelper
According to your reply, it seems it should not happen as below:
symbol: class InternalCoreModelUtil
location: package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model
Sincerely Yours.
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They are both in org.eclipse.cdt.core. You can find which bundle a file is in by checking which directory it is in in git.
However, most classes in CDT need to be run with OSGi and then OSGi can help handle all your build and runtime dependencies. So you could be writing a new bundle and then connecting that way to CDT classes. You can have command line applications,
having a bundle does not imply on its own that you need a GUI.
Is there a check list to find out a class’s jar file name?
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What’s the actual jar file name containing the following 2 classes?
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model.InternalCoreModelUtil;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.indexer.IndexerPreferences;
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