Hello folks,CDT for Eclipse 2018-09 M2 is now been posted. (Note that the new simultaneous releases are named by their planned release year-month, no longer by a name.)The CDT p2 repo is http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/builds/9.5/cdt-9.5.3-simrel-2018-09-m2/ and is based on commit fe5703bf3be6f7.The complete bundled C/C++ Package (the one that will be posted to https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/) will be ready this Friday/Saturday. Link to follow.We are planning on releasing CDT 9.5.x as part of the 2018-09 simultaneous release. At the moment that will be CDT 9.5.3, unless we have another bug fix release before the simrel.
---This is our schedule for publishing CDT's contribution 2018-09 release schedule. See SimRel 2018-09 Plan for further details. (The EPP generally will be available on Friday of the same week):Today - 2018-09 M2Monday 27 August - 2018-09 M3*
Monday 3 Sept - 2018-09 RC1
Monday 10 Sept - 2018-09 RC2
Then we are in Quiet week(s) until the release on Wed 19 Sept.
* I am on holiday this week, so the M3 contribution will be done on Fri 24 Aug unless someone else wants to handle this release.