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[cdt-dev] CDT 10.0?

Hey gang,


This just crossed my mind and you’re the first to hear about it 😊. I’d like to do a bunch of clean up for Photon where Core Build becomes the main build system. As a result I’d like to clean up a bunch of the UI. A few things have crossed my mind.

  • Remove the new C Project and C++ Project in favour of the new new C/C++ Project wizard that uses the new template engine. The old wizards are still accessible from there but would be hidden otherwise.
  • Decide between the Global build console and the per Project build console. I favour the Global one but we should start that discussion. There really shouldn’t be two.
  • Is there anything we can do so there’s only one Memory view?


And I’d take the opportunity of the major version bump to clean up the mess I’ve made of the Core Build interfaces and parent classes as we solidify the final API.


Happy to hear concerns about that, it is a crazy thought. Or if you like it.



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