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Re: [cdt-dev] Neon.2 does not start GDB 7.12 on macOS

> On 30 Jan 2017, at 22:40, Marc Khouzam <marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ... Can you try the build at:

I'll do it these days and report back the results.

> I think, once the console works nicely, you will not regret having it.

I'm repeatedly switching my hat with the average GNU ARM Eclipse user and back, but still fail to get this (although, with my own hat on, I'm struggling on it).

according to the NewIn92 page, it looks like the main trick is that users can interact with GDB, and the console can be configured with a black background. is this correct? if so, then both features are completely non relevant, black windows are highly unusual on macOS, and why would I manually enter GDB commands? isn't the GUI functionality good enough?

> That being said, we did make it easy for extenders to automatically disable the full console, but programatically
> only.

my plug-ins should remain compatible with Luna.2; can I programatically disable the full console with the Luna.2 API?

> I would prefer to avoid a preference.  I don't feel a user would ever want to turn off the new console.  Again, assuming it
> works well, there really would be no reason to want to use the basic console, it is really a very bad user experience.

I cannot concur. 

> > another annoying behaviour of the new console is that clicking on the GDB process does not set the focus to the 
> > new console, as it does when clicking all other processes.
> When you select the GDB process, the Debugger Console view will not be brought to the top, but that view
> will show the full console that corresponds to that GDB.  Bringing the view to the top was too intrusive.
> However, what people do is move that view to a different place in the perspective so that I can stay
> visible when the standard console view is visible.  The nice think about that is that you can use
> the GDB console while looking at the output of the program you are debugging.

yes, I can occupy important screen estate with the GDB Debug Console, and I can look at it permanently, but... why would I need this? is there anything interesting showing up there?

I feel I'm missing the point. :-(

> We have nightly builds for every upcoming release as soon as we start coding on that branch.
> If you update to these builds regularly for your work, you will notice quickly if something breaks.
> For example, when working on CDT, we use the upcoming Eclipse platform (Oxygen in this case)
> as soon as we can, to avoid late surprises.

ok, great, I'll consider this.



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