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Re: [cdt-dev] Porting issue from Luna to Neon

Hi Velimir,

Here is an idea of how to solve it, I haven't tried it, but it shoud at least move to the next step.

In this case you should duplicate createMIBreakInsert function, one with tid as int, one as string. Then remove the @Override (with a suitable comment ;-) so you don't have compile errors when you compile. When you run against Neon one of the methods will be called, but with Luna it will be the other one.

Then, do you use standard MIBreakInsert? If so, copy the new version from Neon into your code base and add the Luna constructor to it. If MIBreakInsert is already your own, then I think it is more straightforward.

Is your code OSS on the web somewhere?

HTH and let us know,

On Friday, 3 June 2016, Velimir Topaloski <Velimir.Topaloski@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Guys,


I have the following problem related to Bug 489777


I have an Eclipse Plugin for Eclipse Luna that extends CommandFactory_6_8 class and overrides createMIBreakInsert() functions.


class MyCommandFactory extends CommandFactory_6_8 {


    public ICommand<MIBreakInsertInfo> createMIBreakInsert(IBreakpointsTargetDMContext ctx, boolean isTemporary,

                                                           boolean isHardware, String condition, int ignoreCount,

                                                           String location, int tid, boolean disabled, boolean isTracepoint) {



         *  Here is some custom code


        return new MIBreakInsert(ctx, isTemporary, isHardware, condition, ignoreCount, location, tid, disabled, isTracepoint, true);




As you already might know, the “thread id” parameter in createMIBreakInsert() has changed from “int” to “String”.


Currently I am trying to port the plugin to Eclipse Neon and still keeping the Eclipse Luna support,

but the change introduced to the createMIBreakInsert() functions is standing in the way.


I am not really sure how, if possible, to solve this problem.


I would really appreciate if you could give me some pointers or ideas how to circumvent the issue…


Thanks in advance,



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