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[cdt-dev] Weekly Problems Digest


this is the weekly digest for C/C++ Development Tools. The status of all problems on this list is open. Items on this list may already be tracked in Bugzilla but were not closed yet. To remove a item from this list, you can either (i) set the status of its associated bug to resolved, verfied, or closed or (ii) mark it as log message in the reporter's web ui.

If you have any questions about this report, please send an email to error-reports-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx

Top new problems (last 7 days):

  Problem Reporters Bug
1. StandInException in RequestMonitor.handleError (460) 79 -
2. ResourceException in (888) 41 -
3. ResourceException in Resource.checkValidGroupContainer (470) 2 -

Top unresolved, active problems (last 7 days):

  Problem Reporters Bug
1. IllegalArgumentException in PDOMCPPClassType.getVisibility (434) 189 470726 N
2. IllegalArgumentException in Text.setText (2249) 167 460953 N
3. AssertionFailedException in FieldEditor.checkParent (170) 159 -
4. Exception in ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.error (226) 152 -
5. StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in AdditionalInput$1LibFilter.accept (498) 142 460954 N
6. StandInException in BuildOptionSettingsUI.createFieldEditors (359) 111 -
7. NullPointerException in SemanticHighlightings$ExternalSDKHighlighting.consumes (1394) 110 -
8. StandInException in NewMakeProjFromExisting$1.execute (119) 110 -
9. StandInException in RequestMonitor.handleError (460) 79 -
10. StandInException in ControlFlowGraphBuilder.createSubGraph (223) 73 -

Top reoccurring problems (last 3 months):

  Problem Reporters Bug
1. IllegalArgumentException in PDOMCPPClassType.getVisibility (434) 189 470726 N
2. IllegalArgumentException in Text.setText (2249) 167 460953 N
3. AssertionFailedException in FieldEditor.checkParent (170) 159 -
4. Exception in ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.error (226) 152 -
5. StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in AdditionalInput$1LibFilter.accept (498) 142 460954 N
6. StandInException in BuildOptionSettingsUI.createFieldEditors (359) 111 -
7. NullPointerException in SemanticHighlightings$ExternalSDKHighlighting.consumes (1394) 110 -
8. StandInException in NewMakeProjFromExisting$1.execute (119) 110 -
9. StandInException in RequestMonitor.handleError (460) 79 -
10. StandInException in ControlFlowGraphBuilder.createSubGraph (223) 73 -
11. CModelException in CElement.newNotPresentException (484) 71 -
12. FileNotFoundException in AbstractCLaunchDelegate2.verifyProgramPath (676) 61 -
13. ParserException in ASTAmbiguousNode.getExpressionType (162) 58 -
14. Exception in CommandLauncher.execute (189) 56 -
15. Exception in AbstractMIControl$RxThread.processMIOutput (926) 55 -
16. ClassCastException in ASTAmbiguousNode.doResolveAmbiguity (88) 52 -
17. DOMException in CPPTemplates.createTemplateArgumentArray (2015) 49 -
18. CoreException in BuildProperty.setValue (61) 47 -
19. FileNotFoundException in LaunchUtils.verifyProgramPath (128) 44 -
20. NullPointerException in InvokeAction.separateOptions (142) 41 -


Active: 482 problems in last 3 months.
Bugzilla: 16 problems tracked, 8 problems closed, 3 problems fixed.


Thank you for your assistance.
Your friendly error-reports-inbox.

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