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Re: [cdt-dev] Code Style for CDT code

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Jan 27, 2015, at 11:07 AM, Sergey Prigogin <eclipse.sprigogin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 5:08 AM, Alena Laskavaia <elaskavaia.cdt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry to bring this up again, but I want to discuss this on cdt-dev.
Marc yet again -1'ed my commit because of code style, specifically because not surrounding
a single statement with braces within if operator. First of all I don't remember agreeing on any sort of code style like that (see cdt process and code style wiki), second of all I strongly disagree with this specific one. Coding style like that was created I think 20 years ago where people were
formatting code manually. Today everybody who works on cdt code should use auto-formatter.

Strongly disagree. JDT formatter is buggy and is being rewritten as part of ‘

This bug seems to be related to setting a line length of 80. Why would anyone want to do this is beyond me. I’ve been using the formatter for years (132 columns) and never had a problem.

A sure way to not have problems is to accept whatever formatter produces. It is true that some of us are more picky than others.
Maybe CDT should agree on a line length?

JDT formatter has multiple issues regardless of the value of the maximum line length. 

This should be the rule, not braces.

Formatter doesn't insert or remove braces, so it is suitable no normalize style related to them. For braces I propose the following rules:

But code cleanup will insert or remove braces.

It's not flexible enough to support the rules proposed in this thread. 



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