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Re: [cdt-dev] CPPAstLiteralExpression.getKind() returning eUnspecified for int literals and eVoid for all other literals which are not char

But, it looks like double values return a type lk_float_constant

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Krishna Narasimhan <krishna.nm86@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Cool. Thanks. It looks like I have been comparing with the wrong Enum. 

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Sergey Prigogin <eclipse.sprigogin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 9:00 AM, Krishna Narasimhan <krishna.nm86@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
void fn2(float x) {
x = 3.0;
int y;
y = 2;
char* yy;
yy = "zzzz";
double d;
d = 3.6;

In the above code, when I try to call getKind of the literals,

I get 
Name of kind eVoid  1 (for 3.0)

The value 1 means lk_float_constant, not eVoid.
Type of kind org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPBasicType
Name of kind eWChar  3 (for "zzz")
Type of kind org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPArrayType
Name of kind eUnspecified  0  (for 2)
Type of kind org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPBasicType
Name of kind eVoid  1 (for 3.6)
Type of kind org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPBasicType

Anybody knows what the issue is here?



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