I'm certainly interested in how other vendors organize their launch delegates (mode/config type) so we can make sure the launch bar, which features modes and hides config types, works for them. Is Attach and Core debugging even something your users would
want to do from there since they really should be initiated from a process list for Attach and a core file for Core.
Yes they should have their own tabs, because tab like Arguments has no application to Core file debugging for example. I am not sure if base cdt does this now or not.
But regarding modes (i.e. have attach mode) we tried that before and failed. Because debuger is not only thing you can attach, if you use modes to represent tool also (like profile),
then how to do you represent profile-attach combo (short of multiplying modes)? Platform tried to come up with multi-modes to solve this specific issues, but it failed miserably. Current implementation
stores mode combination in LC itself, which makes whole mode concept useless.