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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT as a Standalone API

I tried clang. Not the ClangTooling. The core Clang seemed to have issues like not preserving comments after rewrites etc. Do the Tooling handle Preprocessor statements too?

I thought clang was primarily an optimmization framework and not a source code transformation tool. 

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Nathan Ridge <zeratul976@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Basically I would like to perform write test codes that work on ASTs
> not obtained from any project from the IDE. Basically Parsed from
> Strings or other text files. Perform modifications to that AST and be
> able to use the rewritten AST , all this possibly without a code from
> the IDE

If you're writing a standalone tool for creating, analyzing, and rewriting
ASTs, you might want to consider the clang infrastructure [1].



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