On 08/14/2014 03:26 PM, Mikhail
Khodjaiants wrote:
On 14/08/2014 8:29 AM, Raphael
Zulliger wrote:
now, as I'm writing this, I realize that CDT already does
something like that. E.g. when initially expanding a struct
(e.g. MyOtherObject), then CDT does only execute
'-var-evaluate-_expression_' on the visible items (m_Array1,
OthrMember2and m_OthrMember3in this example). Then, when I
scroll down in the _expression_ View, so that m_OthrMember4
appears, CDT executes another "-var-evaluate-_expression_" for
var2.m_OthrMember4, right when that member starts appearing. I
might study that code to find out more...
This is one of the basic features of the all views that belong
to the Eclipse Debug Platform. Update requests are sent to the
backend only for the elements visible in the view.
That's true. But in this case, the "update request" is performed on
the Root-TreeItem (e.g. the "MyObject" (see previous mail)
_expression_ that is the struct instance). This happens after every
single-step (or similar) operation (it's the suspend event that
causes this, if I remember correctly). That root item doesn't care
about visibility of children. It simply forwards the "update
request" to GDB (-var-update) which in turn updates all children,
unless someone taught it to do otherwise (by -var-set-frozen
commands). Btw: This happens even if the root item is collapsed.
Therefore: Every _expression_ that has been expanded some time ago
consumes resources on every single-step & co operation.
I did some further "research" and I think I can now clarify my
question a bit: What I'm currently trying to do is to execute a
"-var-set-frozen 1" or "-var-set-frozen 0" on each child of a
MIVariableManager.MIRootVariableObject right before the
"-var-update" happens (in
MIVariableManager.MIRootVariableObject.update). Of course I would
only execute that command if not already done before. The only
missing thing is, that IVariableManager.MIRootVariableObject.update
somehow needs to know which children are visible and which are not.
Therefore, I'm currently trying to figure out:
- Where should I place code that checks which children TreeItems
are visible? (ExpressionVMProviderModelProxyStrategy?
GDBExpressionVMProvider? ...)
- What would be a good way to pass this information to
MIVariableManager? (By dedicated public members of