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Re: [cdt-dev] Coordinated testing (max 2 hours)


Do you expect the testing to be done for all platforms? If so, it has to be mentioned in the spreadsheet along with the features that are not supported for particular platforms.


On 29/05/2014 10:28 AM, Marc Khouzam wrote:

as discussed in the Multicore Debug call, let's do some coordinated testing for the release.

I expect that no more than 2 hours from each of a small amount of volunteers will be sufficient.
If you can spend the time, let us know on the mailing list to start the ball rolling.

We've been using google docs for our internal testing effort and find it very good.
I've created a document that is public to all and does not require logging in to google.
The document can be accessed by many at the same time, so just open it and update it.

CDT wiki->Manual testing->8.4 testing

It contains tests for Debug which are not exhaustive, but are a start.  There is a section
for Codan but no real tests yet.  I'd like to see tests added for other CDT parts, for installation and
new ones for Debug as time goes on.  Please feel free to grow that document for this release, which
we will then copy for the next release.

RC2 is out and should be used for this testing.
Or you can take RC3 which will be out tomorrow.

If you find issues you should open bugs.  If you are not sure, you can email the list and ask about your findings.

An on-going effort will be to replace some of those manual tests with automated ones.  But until that is done,
it is good to at least have the manual ones.

Thanks in advance.


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