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Re: [cdt-dev] submitting bugzilla patches written by others

>> Suppose I come across a patch on bugzilla that I think 
>> would be useful. Suppose I post a comment requesting 
>> the author to submit the patch via Gerrit, but get no 
>> reply. 
>> Is it OK for me to submit the patch on Gerrit for them? 
> That's a tough one. We need the author to reflect the person who  
> submitted the patch. But then they didn't sign the CLA so that won't  
> work. In this case we need to do it the old way and get a committer to  
> push the change in and mark the bug with iplog+. 

What if the patch requires modifications to apply cleanly
(or for other reasons), and a committer isn't interested
in doing that work, but I am?


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