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Re: [cdt-dev] include paths are not added under 'Paths and Symbols' in some cases

Hi Swapna,
Please, create a bug in Bugzilla about the issue.


On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Swapna Pawar <Swapna.Pawar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



We are using eclipse SDK 3.8.0 and CDT 8.1.1.

We have added our own language settings provider using the extension point - ‘org.eclipse.cdt.core.LanguageSettingsProvider’ for GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector. We have added this language settings provider for each of our customized configurations (we have 5 customized configurations).

We have customized the command to get the compiler specs (command for GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector) so that the customized toolchain specific macros are resolved and editor does not complain about these macros.

This command to get the compiler specs is generated dynamically based on compiler options.

When we create new project and add new include paths to C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols, include paths are added properly.

This works fine.


However, there is one issue for the below use case:


1. Create a new project.

2. 'Discover compiler built-in language settings' job is still running in the progress bar.

3. 'Discover compiler built-in language settings' job is not yet complete (progress bar shows that the job is still running) and we try to add new include path to 'Paths and Symbol'.

4. This newly added include path is not listed under 'Paths and Symbols' in this case.


Can anyone help on this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.




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