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[cdt-dev] nvoking CDT debugger Programmatically

Dear All, 
I am facing an issue and feeling very difficult to get through it. Actually I want to achieve a feature provided by CDT programmtically. The feature is attach an external process to gdb debugger. 
Now, I can explain my problem. I have a dll which is running at a particular time and I know the location of sources where it is located. I want to write a plugin which programmatically attach a dll to a gdb debugger and the user can debug through the sources by putting the break points. I can create a CDT project programmatically and can show the sources in the eclipse project explorer. The user can put the break points  in the editor part and can debug the process. But, I would like to have the process attached programmatically to the debugger. How can I achieve this? Does anybody have any idea regarding it. 
Thank you for the anticipation. 

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