Hi all,
Kepler M6
is coming up (Platform will freeze tomorrow, TCF as a +1
project on Monday March/18).
This will
be our EclipseCon milestone. I plan to be doing some
demos at the conference, and some people will want to
download and try TCF after that; thus robustness of the
code is important at this point, for increasing TCF
community and adoption.
So I’d
appreciate if you guys could do an extra test pass –
especially on top of Platform Kepler and CDT 8.2/master
– to make sure TCF is robust and solid on Monday. Please
do especially look at any workflows that are enabled in
plain Open Source – by order of priority, most important
first :
TCF Linux native debug on
TCF Linux ptrace remote
debug, with connection setup + attach through Target
TE Terminals
Gdb remote launch and
attach through Target Explorer
TCF RSE Integration (I
could see this obsolete soon since we have Target
Please do
especially look at the new “Working Sets for _expression_
View” feature:
This has
been merged into Platform M6 (any recent I-build), and
Pawel implemented a small add-on to the CDT to enable
dynamic tracking of working sets with the selected stack
frame. I’d like to know whether that works on TCF Debug
too (hopefully yes!).
At any
rate, please refrain from any risky commits these couple
days; use your time for test and fix as you can.
It’s going
to be important and will hopefully pay back manifold.
Martin Oberhuber,
SMTS / Product Architect – Development Tools, Wind
+43.662.457915.85 fax +43.662.457915.6