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Re: [cdt-dev] question on CDT breakpoint properties dialog

This is nice!
In the Multicore Debug Workgroup we've been discussing improving the breakpoint support in CDT but had no one commit to it yet.
One aspect that I think will be of interest in the near future is to provide breakpoints that are target-specific.
Another important feature is to be able to set breakpoint attributes _before_ actually planting the breakpoint.
I'm mentioning this because I'm hoping that any proposed UI changes will be a step towards such goals so that we don't need to
drastically change the UI again soon after.

From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pawel Piech
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 1:27 PM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: [cdt-dev] question on CDT breakpoint properties dialog

HI All,
At WindRiver we're finally looking at using CDT breakpoints in our product, instead of a custom breakpoint model.  To that end, we'd like to make some improvements in CDT, which I added to the project plan:

The only potentially controversial item is changing the breakpoint properties dialog to a custom dialog that would allow some extra UI fluff: bug 360295.  So I'd like to know how the CDT community feels about this change before proceeding.  Specifically, is it important to anyone that we use the standard properties dialog?  If not, then the exact UI changes can be worked out later.  Please post comments on the bug.

BTW, I believe we should be able to make all the improvements without breaking API compatibility, although debuggers will have to migrate in order to enable the features.


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