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[cdt-dev] DSF: suitable for use by third parties ?

Title: DSF: suitable for use by third parties ?

We have been trying to migrate our debug views to DSF and implement some new views from scratch in DSF for performance purposes, however, our team are having various problems which we have been unable to resolve todate. It seems that any existing DSF documentation is not in synch with the implementation i.e. the source-code is effectively the documentation. As Pawel has previously stated the implementation is very complex internally (see below email thread) and we are struggling to understand it.

As I am managing the team, I need to decide what to do. My options are:
- DSF lite (our term for restricted use of DSF internally (i.e. use Launch, GDB communication but not porting the custom views to DSF flexible hierarchy viewer). Gives us some benefits, but not the performance boost in our views)

- Preserve with DSF and hope that the community (or someone else) can help us resolve our issues
I would like to get the CDT/DSF communities view on this. Have other companies (other than the original implementers) been able to successfully use DSF ?

PS. Does anyone know of any consultants or engineers "for-hire" that have specific DSF knowledge that we could utilise on a temporary contract basis to get over this "hump". Please email me directly at hugh<dot> okeeffe<at>nestgroup<dot>net

Regards and thanks for reading,

Hugh O'Keeffe,
Engineering Director,
Ashling Division, SFO Technologies

Pawel Piech <> Thu Mar 04 2010 23:44:58 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time
"Hi All, I would agree with John's comment in the bug in that I'd prefer to keep them provisional. However, flexible hierarchy viewer was introduced in 2005 and is still provisional so I would say that's long term already. Over the years we've addressed bugs and missing features and added a test suite. But the viewer is still difficult to use, it's still missing key features (e.g. sorting), still has some bugs, and is very complex internally. So IMO we have ways to go before it's something we could contribute to jface. -Pawel "

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