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[cdt-dev] how to set PORT when launching C debug session programmatically


I've extended launch configuration to make it launch 2 debug 
session simultaneousness to make it suitable for multi core debugging. With 
CDT's debug options I can launch 2 debug sessions varying gdb_init and port. 
I could launch 2 debug session with two different gdb_init but can't vary port 

In the launchDelegate which extends AbstractCLaunchDelegate
- I'm launching 1st debug sessions with ILaunchConfiguration with all the debug 
debug attributes set...which runs perfectly
- For the 2nd debug session,
config_2 = config.getWorkingCopy();
((ILaunchConfiguration)config_2).launch(launch.getLaunchMode(), new 
SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 50));

But still it takes old/default port number leaving 2nd debug sessions with 
errors like target not responding, etc.

Please let me know if I'm missing anything here. Stuck badly. Please provide 
some pointers.

Thanks a lot in advance,


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