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Re: [cdt-dev] how to get the project currently being built?

Hi Sam,
Sounds like a job for an errorparser. Did you try to add your own regex errorparser in project properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Error Parsers tab? They have certain heuristics to figure out correct file, in most cases that is enough. If it is not, you could create your own parser and it can get hold of current project being built.


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 6:39 AM, FLORES SANDOVAL Samuel <samuel.flores@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello everyone,

thanks to all of you for the amazing work you do with the CDT. I'm having some trouble on something that might be easy and although I've browsed the archives and googled the problem I can't figure out a solution. Hope you guys can help me.

I'm trying to create a plug-in that will integrate an external tool that performs static analysis on C code. As a first step I'm trying to generate several different markers from the output of the external tool (which I call from the c project's makefile).

My problem is that the external tool is executed by Make on the project's directory and thus the output is relative to that directory, for example:

>> file1.c:11:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time

from this line I can figure that a marker should be generated on file1.c.

Because my typical workspace could contain several files named file1.c on different projects,

I first have to find a way to know on which project file1.c is being built (To which project does the target I clicked on belong?)

How can I know from my code what's the project I'm currently building?

I've tried things like:


but this returns all the open c projects, not just the one currently being built.

I'm sure someone has faced a similar need in the past...

thank you very much for any pointers that you can give me!



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