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[cdt-dev] suggested improvement to "Select Process" dialog in "Attach to Application" launcher

I have just started using the "Attach to Application" launcher capability of Eclipse/CDT, and it is wonderful! The app I'm developing spawns several child processes and so this functionality is very useful. I have one recommendation that I couldn't find a bug or thread about, so here goes:

For a given run of my application, the child processes are differentiated by their command line parameters. It would be useful if the process dialog in eclipse included command line parameters. This would allow developers to more easily select the correct process without having to memorize pids or go to a terminal and cross-reference the "ps" output. I don't see any need for new options. It looks like the "Select Process" dialog has a pane at the bottom where the selected process is displayed verbosely. Currently, on my system, this is just the full path of the process executable. Since you've already, elegantly, created enough real-estate there for a verbose display, why not be verbose about it?

Am I missing something? Thanks! (I am using Helios and latest CDT 8.0 build on Debian Testing.)

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