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[cdt-dev] CDT Conference Calls

Hey gang,

Following up on the success of the CDT summit this year, I'd like to
see if there is any interest in holding the CDT calls biweekly instead
of the current monthly. I'd like to keep the technical discussions
going, give people a chance to demo the things they're working on,
etc., and meeting monthly doesn't keep the momentum going. We can use
my Webex to share visually.

Also, to make sure they are as useful to as many people as possible,
I'd like to open up the choice of day/time. The slots I have open on a
weekly basis are (all times Ottawa/Eastern time):

   Tues 11 a.m.
   Wed 11 a.m.
   Wed 12 noon.

I'm actually free almost all afternoons too but I want to make sure we
pick a time that's friendly to Europeans as well as California. But
then it's a lot easier for the Europeans to attend in the evening than
for the Westerners to get up early. And it may mean use Easterners
giving up our lunch hours. It's never easy as we all know.

The other option is to just leave the door open to call a meeting
whenever you have the need. But with regularly scheduled times, we're
more likely to have them.

At any rate, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.


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