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RE: [cdt-dev] org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.c

Thanks Helko. I tried to do what you said:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
IParserLogService log = new DefaultLogService();
String codeString = "int function(int toto){int a;/*doc0*/ char b;/*doc1*/ return toto+a; //*doc2*//}";
char[] code = codeString.toCharArray();
CodeReader reader = new CodeReader(code);
Map definedSymbols = new HashMap();
String[] includePaths = new String[0];
IScannerInfo info = new ScannerInfo(definedSymbols, includePaths);
ICodeReaderFactory readerFactory = FileCodeReaderFactory.getInstance();
IASTTranslationUnit translationUnit =GCCLanguage.getDefault().getASTTranslationUnit(reader, info, readerFactory, null, log); 
for (IASTComment com :translationUnit.getComments()){

I got nothing printed in console. getComments() gave me a IASTComment[10], value is null for all 10 IASComment?

> From: glathe.helko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 00:41:38 +0200
> Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.c
> To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Hello,
> have a look at the CVS repository:
> " 1. Connect to CVS repository:
> :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:2401/cvsroot/tools (Or
> :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:80/cvsroot/tools from behind
> corporate firewall)
> 2. Check out: org.eclipse.cdt/all "
> Underneath of "all" you will find the folder "org.eclipse.cdt.core".
> Inside their is a subfolder for the "parser" where you can find the
> source code.
> But I think you can access Block Comments right know using the AST of
> the C Source Code. The IASTTranslationUnit provides a method for
> getting all comments (getComments()). This Method returns an Array of
> IASTComment's. And IASTComment provides a to determine whether it is a
> block comment or not (see IASTComment.isBlockComment()).
> Cheers, Helko
> Sincerely,
> Helko Glathe
> 2010/8/17 Flo Menier <josieenfrance@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > Can someone tell me where I can download the code source
> > of org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.c,
> > and org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.scanner? I want to understand how
> > lexer works in CDT? I want to get block comments in a C source file instead
> > of ignorer them.
> > Thanks a lot
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