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RE: [cdt-dev] specifying "GDB Command File" in Debugger tab of Debug Configurations dialog


> -----Original Message-----
> From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tim Black
> Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:38 PM
> To: CDT General developers list.
> Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] specifying "GDB Command File" in 
> Debugger tab of Debug Configurations dialog
> Thanks Marc. I'm using DSF only, so you explained why I'm 
> seeing only one of the variables change in the .launch file. Also,
> tblack@lenny:~$ which gdb
> /usr/bin/gdb
> In my environment, I am seeing that CWD is /home/tblack after 
> eclipse has called gdb. I put "import os; print os.getcwd()" 
> in ~/.gdbinit and I see this in my "gdb traces" console:
> 600,874 (gdb) 
> 601,004 3source .gdbinit
> 601,007 &"source .gdbinit\n"
> 601,018 ~"/home/tblack\n"
> 601,089 3^done

Looks like I was wrong about GDB's working directory.
After trying a couple of things, what I see is that for DSF-GDB,
GDB starts off by using the directory in which you started
eclipse.  In your case, it seems you started eclipse
from /home/tblack.  So, this is where gdb will
expect to find the .gdbinit file.

Note that we then change the working directory, using 
-environment-cd, based on what is specified in the launch
Arguments tab.

CDI does it a little bit differently and effectively sets
the working directory first, then reads .gdbinit.

This may be a bug in DSF-GDB.  I'm not sure what
is the best thing to do, but if we want to do what CDI
does, we should first use -environment-cd then do
source .gdbinit.  (It cracks me up that we may already
have to re-order the FinalLaunchSequence, if you've
been following that discussion :-))
My first thought is that being dependent on where eclipse
was started is a bad thing.
I've just opened
about it.

Note also that you can use the 'pwd' command in GDB to check
(from .gdbinit or at any other time, what the working directory is).

> We are using svn metaprojects to tie together all required 
> component projects for a master product project. So we put 
> .project, .cproject, and top-level makefile at the top of the 
> metaproject so all users have to do is check out the 
> metaproject to disk and Import... "existing projects from 
> workspace", or better yet, Import... "Checkout projects from 
> SVN" using Subclipse. We are sharing .launch files in svn, 
> and each is located in the root of each make-able subproject. 
> So when users import the eclipse project, eclipse 
> auto-detects the .launch files and presents them in Debug 
> Configurations... with all the right settings.
> Of course, one of these settings is "GDB Command File", yet 
> another file to share, and I was just trying to figure out 
> the best way to do so. My main goal is to prevent team 
> members from having to manually create it or having to modify 
> the launcher. It seems that the commands we want in .gdbinit 
> will be the same for all or most launchers, so I was 
> considering putting a single shared .gdbinit file in svn and 
> asking users to export it into their ~/. I am pretty sure 
> this will just work. (BTW, I am now seeing "~/.gdbinit" in my 
> .launch file. Sorry for the confusion. I think when I posted 
> before I must have had /home/tblack/.gdbinit in "GDB Command File"..)'

Based on my latest findings, after fixing the bug I just wrote,
the .gdbinit file could be part of the project for which the launch
applies, since that is the default value in the Arguments tab.
If I understand correctly, this will actually be very nice for
your setup, no?  You can check-in the .gdbinit inside each project.

> Then I started to think that a better way to manage it would 
> be to colocate a .gdbinit with each .launch file. This way, 
> users don't have to do anything but checkout the metaproject 
> and they're done. Also, this way we can customize .gdbinit on 
> a per-debug-launcher basis which may come in handy. So I was 
> just trying to gain some insight that would help me point the 
> launcher to a .gdbinit in the same dir as the .launch without 
> using an absolute path.

Looks like you'll get your wish, but per project.  Good enough?

> The only way I can do what I want to do here would be if 
> (a) GDB was somehow started with cwd = the path of the .launch or
> (b) a new eclipse environment variable equal to the location 
> of the .launch could be evaluated and passed into "GDB 
> Command File" string
> I'm guessing neither of these are possible, so I'll just have 
> to stick with the one-.gdbinit-in-~/ solution.
> T
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 6:13 AM, Marc Khouzam 
> <marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 	> -----Original Message-----
> 	> From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 	> [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tim Black
> 	> Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 7:30 PM
> 	> To: CDT General developers list.
> 	> Subject: [cdt-dev] specifying "GDB Command File" in Debugger
> 	> tab of Debug Configurations dialog
> 	>
> 	> I need to know what is the PATH that CDT (or gdb?) uses to
> 	> look up the "GDB Command File" setting in the Debugger tab of
> 	> the Debugger Configurations dialog?
> 	There is no path used by CDT.  We simply pass the text in the
> 	"GDB command file" text box, to gdb.  CDI specifies this text
> 	when starting gdb using --command, while DSF-GDB sends a
> 	'source <file>' command.
> 	> I want to share a .gdbinit file with my team for use in C/C++
> 	> debug launchers, so I don't want the launcher file to contain
> 	> absolute paths. But I noticed that when I set the "GDB
> 	> Command File" setting to ~/.gdbinit, the corresponding
> 	> .launch file changes the value of
> 	> org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.GDB_INIT and
> 	> org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.GDB_INIT to "/home/tblack/.gdbinit".
> 	I didn't see this myself.  I saw ~/.gdbinit in the launch file.
> 	FYI, org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.GDB_INIT is used by CDI while
> 	org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.GDB_INIT is used by DSF-GDB.
> 	We probably should unify them (and many others) but it hasn't
> 	been important enough for anyone to take the time.
> 	> But I noticed that when I change the "GDB Command File"
> 	> setting to ".gdbinit", the corresponding .launch file leaves
> 	> the value of org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.GDB_INIT as
> 	> "/home/tblack/.gdbinit", but changes
> 	> org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.GDB_INIT to ".gdbinit". Why does one
> 	> expand to absolute path and the other not? In this example I
> 	> have only one .gdbinit on my system and it is in /home/tblack
> 	Assuming you are using DSF-GDB, when you change the file name,
> 	only org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.GDB_INIT will change,
> 	org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.GDB_INIT will not be changed since
> 	it only applies to CDI.  This is most probably why you still
> 	saw it as it was before.
> 	> We use shared .launch files. I'm prepared to make the
> 	> simplification that each user has one global .gdbinit file
> 	> that they use for debugging all C/C++ projects. This is
> 	> because I'd rather not have to create a duplicate .gdbinit
> 	> file for each .launch.
> 	I don't understand what you want to be able to do.
> 	Do you want one .gdbinit file for all your team, or do you
> 	want each user to have her own, while still using the same
> 	.launch file?
> 	Also, where is your gdb?  If it can be anywhere as based
> 	on the PATH variable, then not using absolute path for .gdbinit
> 	may be difficult.  If you can't predict where gdb will be run
> 	from, then choosing a .gdbinit file relative to that 
> unpredictable
> 	path won't work.
> 	Marc
> 	_______________________________________________
> 	cdt-dev mailing list
> 	cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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