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Re: [cdt-dev] git/gerrit

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Doug Schaefer <cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Word I have from Chris zx, merge support hits the egit nightly builds in a
> couple of weeks.

The EGit team already does self host for the majority of git related actions.

We are targetting full merge support (we ship with fast forward only
atm) in a few weeks. On top of that, we have a synchronize view coming
and full support for .gitignore. After that, there are very few things
I can imagine you stepping out to the CLI for. Our goal is that by the
September 2010 0.9.0 release, the tooling would be more than good
enough for developer needs.

Regarding Gerrit, it would be great to see another project interested.
One of my goals was to get a global Gerrit instance for
similar to what is used in Android land. If there's enough support
from projects, we can help push this.

Anyways, the EGit and JGit teams are welcome to work with other projects to ensure the tooling is good enough.


Chris Aniszczyk
+1 860 839 2465

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