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[cdt-dev] cdt mailing lists cleanup

I found the following mailing lists
cdt-contrib-dev	Development discussions on cdt-contrib component.
cdt-core-dev	CDT Core developers list.
cdt-core-inbox	cdt-core new bug list
cdt-debug-dev	CDT Debug developers list
cdt-dev	        CDT General developers list.
cdt-doc-dev	CDT documentation developers list
cdt-doc-inbox	cdt-debug bugzilla inbox
cdt-patch	        CDT patches and commits are posted to this list.
cdt-test-dev	 CDT Testing developers list
cdt-ui-dev         CDT UI component developers list.

Besides inboxes and cdt-dev I don't think any of the lists are used.
I propose get rid of them to not confuse people.
And add cdt-cvs for commits log which I am planning to use to automate
bugzilla to cvs links.
Any objections?

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