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Re: [cdt-dev] How to perform Multi-Threaded Debugging on CDT 6.0

And just to Follow up a bit:

(1) - With GalileoSR1/CDT using the DSF as the debugger, and setting a breakpoint in code that is executed in another thread, when the breakpoint is hit, only the main thread shows the a stack trace and the editor does NOT go to the line of code with the breakpoint. Stepping is not possible in the interested thread. If I click the step or step-out buttons the main thread stack trace "moves" forward but my original breakpoint never shows up.

(2) - If I move to the "standard" debugger and try the same thing, I still only get a single thread showing in the "Debug" View but at least it is the "correct" thread that hit the breakpoint. I can step through my code without a problem.

I backed off to Ganymeade SR1/CDT (what ever that combined package was) and tried debugging and got the same results as #2. I would have to go find europa to step back further.

This was all on a Mac Pro workstation running Eclipse under 32 bit Java 1.5 JVM.

Mike Jackson       

On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:05 AM, Marc Khouzam wrote:


  I was using the "standard" debugger. I switched to the DSF based
debugger and that did not particularly work either. I am using Qt's
thread abstraction but underneath the threads are native OS X
(pthreads I believe). Not really sure. If I get some time I may try
dropping back to Europa or Ganymeade and try those out just for

When using DSF you can look at one of the consoles called "gdb traces".
It can show if GDB is seeing the different threads.  You can attach it
here and I'll have a look.

But first, which gdb version are you using? _______________________________________________
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