On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:54 AM, Andrey Tretyakov
<andrromeda@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My toolchain
definition inherits from gcc, so could that be the cause? Should I
just copy over the gcc compiler build definition rather than inherit
from it?
I have the same problem. :-(
Before CDT 6.0 I used:
but now I can't...
I was able to get it working after some debugging. The issue was that the collector I had defined was not being loaded properly due to a configuration issue. Once that was fixed, I was able to get the correct includes.
I also noticed that if I don't inherit from gcc, then gcc's includes are not pulled in.
Finally, to debug this, you might want to try the following things: 1. Set SCANNER_CONFIG flag to true to enable scanner tracing. This should let you atleast verify that your compiler is being called and the right set of includes & symbols are being determined.
2. Once that is done, you want to look at the collector to see if the info from step 1 is being saved properly. This whole thing starts from the function getProviderScannerInfo that instantiates a collector, and then passes it to an ESI provider.