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Re: [cdt-dev] git (was:The Great Managed Build API Tooling Fiasco of 2009)

> So, Chris, I will get you started ;). I'd like to know the CDT community's
> opinion on this. One thing that Mike challenged us at the council meetings
> at EclipseCon was for a high profile project to step up and say they would
> like to move to git before the Foundation would seriously invest in it.
> Personally, I'd like the CDT to be one of the first. What do you think?

I think this is a great idea. And there's no reason why contributors
can't leverage git _today_ to ease their workflow!

How does it ease your workflow?
It helps take the pain away from managing your development line along
with the clean remote CDT development line.
  - changes are easy to keep fresh: git does most the work of merging
in changes from HEAD
  - patches are easy to generate: one command to create a
bugzilla-suitable patch from your feature branch
  - easy to share your changes with others and collaborate!

How easy is it to get started?

I've already got public repositories containing core, ui, build. These
trackHEAD and the 50x branch shown as branches cvs/HEAD & cvs/cdt_5_0
respectively. My master branch is somewhere on HEAD.
There are a bunch of plugins I don't track with git, though I'm happy
to maintain git repos of these if people are interested.  Feel free to
clone / fork these repositories from github.

There are some neat graphs of changes, e.g.:

I've written some wiki for how you might use git in the Eclipse
process (not just for committers):
Will add some CDT specific notes to the CDT wiki.

git isn't that hard to drive (similar-ish to cvs) but last I tried,
the integrated git team provider stuff wasn't there yet.
Windows support requires cygwin(?)

Hopefully this can help lower the barrier to entry for new
contributors to CDT, and make the contribution experience less
painful!  If anyone has any thoughts on this, do let me know!



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