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Re: [cdt-dev] multi launch

Hi Elena,

2009/3/31 Elena Laskavaia <elaskavaia@xxxxxxx>:
> I was going to commit another launch configuration, which is "Multi Launch".
> It has only one tab - user select "Add" to add another launch configuration
> (can be anything, including external)
> and picks a mode of launch for it (run, debug, profiler, whatever or
> default). Default mean it would be launched in the mode in which
> multi-launch configuration
> is launched. Any objections/suggestions? Also I am not sure how to call it.

Have you already implemented this?

We've got an implementation of something very similar (which Robert
implemented) which he called "Launch Actions".  It basically allows
running an arbitrary set of commands before and after a launch is run.
 You can define sets of actions 'presets' via an extension point, and
you can have actions wait for specific output to match a regex before

I improved the integration so that it's no longer specific to our
launch.  It contributes a tab to a specified launch types, and uses
the multiple launch modes functionality to  proxy the existing launch.
So when the launchAction tab has been used, it will set, for example,
the  'launchAction' & 'debug' launch mode. The launchAction launch
will run and  delegate to the 'debug' launch at the appropriate time.
Robert also wrote documentation for all of this :).

A while back I've moved this stuff into a separate plugin on our end
in the hope of submitting it upstream if it's desirable (and once we
had legal approval -- this is now much easier for me to resolve...).
It's likely not perfect, but a good start.

Would this be of interest to you Elena?



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