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Re: [cdt-dev] Debugger duplicated name issue


No, there are two different projects. One contains a folder with module 
sources named PRNAME, other project itself named PRNAME. While debugging 
first project, you have opened somefile.cpp set breakpoint. It stops on 
breakpoint correctly, then you continue with Step Into. When there is a call 
to the function from module PRNAME/file.cpp, debugger (IDE) tries to open it 
not from the same project, but from other project in workspace.

Hope it is more clear now. Regarding problems between file name clashing in 
one project there are other bugs open. I use Linux IDE version.

On Tuesday 10 June 2008 15:24:15 Elena Laskavaia wrote:
> I don't exactly understand... You have 2 files with the same basename in
> the project? If it is breakpoints related you can enable flag "Use full
> file path for breakpoints" in Debug tab of launch configuration.
> Otherwise I don't know what means "debugger tries to open source file".
>  From what context?
> Gregory Smirnov wrote:
> > Hello devs,
> >
> > probably it is known issue, as some other issues with duplicated names
> > and considered minor ( huh? )
> >
> > If you have a project PRNAME and a folder in other project PRTEST with
> > the same name, debugger tries to open source file in project PRNAME,
> > while expected to open it from folder PRTEST/PRNAME. File open action
> > triggered from other source file in debugging mode on Step Into action.
> >
> >
> > |- file1.cpp
> >
> > `-PRNAME
> >    `-file.cpp
> > <closed>PRNAME
> >
> > Debugger: cannot open file /PRNAME/file.cpp
> >
> > Eclipse Platform
> > Version: 3.4.0
> > Build id: I20080502-0100
> >
> > CDT: 5.0.0 20080523-1539
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