For those of you
that install both DSF and CDT launches, I made a
we removed all
dependencies from DSF to the CDT Debug feature.
To achieve this,
I used some of the CDT extension points to re-use CDT
code that is
part of the CDT platform feature.
I just noticed
that these extensionsalso get picked up (of course) by the
What that means is that if you have both DSF and CDT
the CDT launches
will contain two similar debugger entries:
debugger twice
One of these two
choices is for DSF and will *not* work when used from a
Bug 235862 has
been opened about this.
The short term
solution is to rename the DSF extensions labels to
that will
differentiate from the CDT ones like "gdb/mi (DSF
Better solutions
are welcome.
In the long
term, Doug S wants to rework the whole launch framework, so this will
get fixed in the
My apologies for
this poor interaction between DSF and CDT.

Marc Khouzam
Software Designer, Methods
and Tools
Ericsson Canada
EMC/Q 8500 Decarie
Blvd. H4P 2N2, Mont-Royal, Qc,
Canada www.ericsson.com |
+1 514 345 7900 x42350 Fax: +1 514 345 6159 Mobile: +1
514 951 7191 Email: Marc.Khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx |
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