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[cdt-dev] Overriding CDT Build Variables


We've noticed that while it is possible to override a MBS CDT Build Variable (as defined by a toolchain's "configurationMacroSupplier" attribute) by re-defining the variable in the Project's user variable list, if the user overrides the variable in the workspace user defined variables (in the Preference Panels, under C/C++/CDT Build Variables), it doesn't override the MBS defined value.

I read in the Managed Build System Macro design document (version 1.4) that:

"It is possible, but not recommended, that a User-defined macro supplier, an External Extension macro supplier or an Environment Variable Macro supplier override the definition of an MBS pre-defined macro. Overriding MBS pre-defined macros can have unanticipated consequences. "

Based on that, is it a bug that only the project level use defined variables are able to override the toolchain's macro values and not the workspace CDT build variables, or is it by design? I find the design document unclear on the subject, and I couldn't find a bug describing the issue in bugzilla.


Serge Beauchamp
Software Engineer
Freescale Semiconductor

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