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[cdt-dev] Builder environment variables



I’ve read a bit about this in previous mails but I’m unsure as to the current status. From what I understand, the environment from which eclipse launches should be the same environment which the MBS sees. For some reason this isn’t happening – make is complaining it can’t find my compiler etc and the only solution I’ve found is to pass on the variables needed in the build settings/environment tab for the project e.g. PATH set to ${env_var:PATH} and LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to ${env_var:LD_LIBRARY_PATH} as well as several other variables needed by the compiler. This is fine as long as I can specify these somewhere in my plugin manifest file rather than requiring users to enter these via the GUI. Is this possible? Better still would be for the build system to inherit the native environment but it appears this doesn’t work for some reason?


I’m using CDT HEAD on RHE4 x86_64.



Mike Wrighton


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