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Re: [cdt-dev] Problem with handling dependencies

>   My toolchain built over the MBS consists of 2 tools among others:
> - C compiler
> - abc compiler
> The C compiler uses
> "org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.makegen.gnu.DefaultGCCDependencyCalculator"
> as the dependency Calculator.
> The 'abc compiler' compiles a ".cla" file to generate a ".o" file and a
> "abcvar_%.h" file.  abcvar_%.h is included in my C source file, and as
> expected, the generated dependency (.d) file lists this header as a
> dependency.  When I change the .cla file, I expect the C source to be
> recompiled (since abcvar_%.h) is regenerated.  However, this seems to
> work randomly and not consistently.

If I understand correctly there is no dependency calculator for your 'abc
compiler', hence no dependency from abcvar_%.h on the .cla file?

In that case the 'random' behavior may be explained due to the order in
which make checks the dependencies. E.g. it may first check against the .c
files, decides all are up-to-date, then check the .cla dependencies to see
it has to call the 'abc compiler'.


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