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[cdt-dev] AW: [cdt-patch] Patch proposal for bugzilla 154854 - gdb consoleenhancements


thank you for your patch and bugzilla documentation. Looks quite good
already. I have a few issues I would like to discuss before applying the

1) I found the saving procedure a little cumbersome:

   - A dialog with a text field
   - then the actual file browser
   - confirm again with OK
   - and another confirmation that the file was saved OK

I suggest to just open the file browser and have no further
confirmations. That OK for you?

2) You are contrituting an icon verbose_co_mode.gif while an optically
identical icon verbose_mode_co.gif is already there. Can you just use
the existing icon?

3) After your enhancement there are two ways to change the verbose mode:
Through the console's toggle button you are supplying or through the
context menu of the gdb process. Now when your button is clicked the new
verbose state is reflected in the context menu entry, but not vice
versa: When the verbose state is changed via the context menu then your
toggle button does not change state and displays the wrong state.

Now I do not think that this is very grave and on the other hand it may
be quite a lot of fuss to change this. But I would like to hear ideas on
how this can be improved before doing a commit.

Thank you

Norbert Ploett

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