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RE: [cdt-dev] FW: [eclipse-dev] C# plugin for Eclipse

As I remember, since I’m the one who wrote the quite J with John C doing almost all the real work, the problem I had with ANTLR was just the amount of work necessary to deal with the limited lookahead, i.e. the k in LL(k). In C and C++ there is a ton of rules that look ambiguous when you are only looking one or two tokens ahead. A lot of work is required to refactor the grammar to fit in this environment.


With ANTLR v3, it has “infinite” lookahead, i.e. the * in LL(*). Which means ANTLR will look as far down the token stream as it needs to resolve ambiguities. Much less refactoring is required. Also, the CDT parsers are LL(*), just handcoded. We do infinite lookahead with backtracking. ANTLR v3 might actually be faster since it uses a state machine to quickly rip through the tokens to pick which way to go where as our parser does a “hunt and peck” method with the backtracking.


We’ll see who things work out and I have no plans on rewriting the C and C++ parsers unless some requirement comes up that necessitates all the work. The C# work is more like a sandbox to try out some of these ideas and learn from them in case we do need to apply them. It’s also help validate that we have the right multi-language framework in place.


Doug Schaefer, QNX Software Systems

Eclipse CDT Project Lead, Tools PMC member


From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sennikovsky, Mikhail
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 7:11 AM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: RE: [cdt-dev] FW: [eclipse-dev] C# plugin for Eclipse


Hi Doug,


>ANTLR is LL(*) BTW, where I assume LLK is, well, LL(k). ANTLR is much more

>powerful and makes grammar writing a hell of a lot easier. It actually >meets

>the needs we had for our C++ grammar which we ended up doing by hand >because

>none of the parser generators could do LL(*). Good times ahead for us >parser

>writers :)!

As I remember we have already had an experience of using the generated parsers and the first CDT parser AFAIK was generated by the JavaCC which as I understand is capable of generating LL(k) parsers.

As I understand, this approach failed previously and we have discarded it once in the past. Here is the snippet of the CDT Parser Proposal dated by 01/14/2003 residing in the core-home:


"For simple languages .., one would generally use a parser generator, such as JavaCC or ANTLR, to generate the code that implements this algorithm. 

..  However, when the language is complex and ambiguous as C++ is and when we need to do special handling for things such as the CModel (which needs to be so fast that we can't afford to follow inclusions, thus leaving many types undefined) it is easier to write these algorithms by hand and this is how the CDT parser is written."


What is the reason then in switching back to parser generation?

Are there any advantages of using ANTLR over JavaCC?





-----Original Message-----
From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Doug Schaefer
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:21 PM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: RE: [cdt-dev] FW: [eclipse-dev] C# plugin for Eclipse


I'm writing a C# grammar from scratch using an early adopter version of

ANTLR v3 which is BSD licensed. Once ANTLR v3 reaches completion, I'll bring

it through the Eclipse legal to hopefully allow it to be included in Eclipse

projects. For now, you'll have to download it separately and install it into

the appropriate projects (more on that later).


ANTLR is LL(*) BTW, where I assume LLK is, well, LL(k). ANTLR is much more

powerful and makes grammar writing a hell of a lot easier. It actually meets

the needs we had for our C++ grammar which we ended up doing by hand because

none of the parser generators could do LL(*). Good times ahead for us parser

writers :)!


Doug Schaefer, QNX Software Systems

Eclipse CDT Project Lead, Tools PMC member



-----Original Message-----

From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On

Behalf Of Chris Recoskie

Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:12 PM

To: kap4020@xxxxxxx; CDT General developers list.

Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] FW: [eclipse-dev] C# plugin for Eclipse



They generate their parser via LLK.  The resulting generated parser code is

under the LGPL license, as they use the example C# grammar, which itself

was LGPL.  The LGPL is not compatible with the EPL currently.


I am not a lawyer but I think that makes the idea of contributing it to

Eclipse dead in the water for now.




Chris Recoskie

Team Lead, IBM CDT Team

IBM Toronto





             Karol Pietrzak                                               


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             15/06/2006 02:01          Re: [cdt-dev] FW: [eclipse-dev] C# 

             PM                        plugin for Eclipse                 



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On Tuesday 13 June 2006 08:34, Doug Schaefer wrote:

> Yes, I have a Google SOC student working towards that and I?ve been


> on a C# parser (at least until the CDT 3.1 storm hit). I think it?s a

> natural fit.

> I?ll have to think about how I?d organize this activity. There is a lot


> work to do to make this happen, including editor support, DOM support,

> managed build, debug. I?m not sure how it fits in our mandate, whatever


> mandate really is, so I?ve been thinking of hosting it at our SourceForge

> project, cdt-contrib.

> Anyone else interested in working on this?


I second Mike Milinkovich's point that if CDT seems to be the best place


 a C# Eclipse, then so be it!


However, I would just like to point out that there is already a C# Eclipse

plugin in current development [1].


It's also quite far along, with the following features (quoted from the



- Syntax highlight.

- Smart indent.

- Outline page.

- Format action and syntax checking.

- Comment and uncomment actions.


Doug Schaefer: I'm looking at the proposal, and I'm not quite understanding

whether Rebecca Chernoff will be working on a Mono Eclipse plugin or the









Karl Pietrzak


(See attached file: attplmda.dat)


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