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Re: [cdt-dev] Mixed C/C++ in MBS

>>>>> "Duane" == Duane Ellis <duane_ellis@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Duane> My view is this: The PROJECT TYPE declares the linker type to use.

One thing to think about is project evolution.  Suppose you have a "C"
project and then add a C++ file to it.  Will the CDT need a UI to
change the project type?  Or will the user have to know how to edit
.cdtproject by hand?  (I hadn't even heard of the "both" thing until I
saw Doug's recent email...)

An alternative to this approach is to let languages decide the linker,
and then let the user explicitly decide -- as a fallback in case the
various language plugins can't agree.

This "just works" in the usual cases of mixing C and some other

Duane> In my view, the user has selected wrong. They actually have a mixed
Duane> C/C++ project, and should have created a C++ project that has no C++ 
Duane> files.

My experience in Eclipse is that these kinds of mistakes are pretty
hard to fix once you've made them.  I've always felt uncomfortable
editing .project and whatnot.


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