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RE: [cdt-dev] Excluding included files / directories from the ind exer scan


> -----Original Message-----
> From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ploett Norbert
> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:27 AM
> To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [cdt-dev] Excluding included files / directories 
> from the indexer scan
> Hello folks,
> this may be sounding a bit strange but we have some header 
> files that we would rather not have scanned by the indexer 
> because we do not want to see the definitions we made in the 
> code completion list. Now those headers are general system 
> headers, the include path is in an environment variable, and 
> they are made known to the compiler in the project settings 
> in a format like ${RMOS_HOME}/inc. 
> In CDT 2.1.1 paths like this were not scanned by the indexer 
> and we were happy. Now since about CDT 3.0 RC 1 the undesired 
> entries start appearing in the code completion list.
> So I would appreciate any hints about how the code completion 
> entries can be avoided (without turning the indexer off altogether).

I think that this is the wrong approach to this problem.  I think that we
should be looking at ways in which the help/content assist tools can be
extended with "help content".  The current mechanims causes us to more
or less provide a peer to the content assist ... this was done because 
in previous versions of CDT (0.x,1.x,2.x) we weren't at a point where
the parsing/indexing was sufficient to span to outside locations.  

Now, with 3.0, we are clearly in a much better position than we have
ever been before.  This means that external databases (I know that QNX
has one, RedHat had one, apparently Norbert has one too) that provide
information should be unioning (as opposed to appending) their information.

Going the route of excluding paths and files seems to be a step in the
wrong direction.  The problem lies in the way that the content is managed
from a historical perspective.


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