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Re: [cdt-dev] gdb debug, stepping into opens wrong file

Check the "Search for duplicate files" option on the "Source" tab of the launch configuration dialog.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mikael Andersen" <mikael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:57 AM
Subject: [cdt-dev] gdb debug, stepping into opens wrong file

I have a problem debugging a algorithm project I'm working on. There
are serveral versions of this algorithm structured in folders as show

<project root>/thorupextended/
<project root>/thorupnegativecycles/
                          thoruptest.cpp    (test program including
main method)

The thoruptest program calls a method located in the thorupextended.cpp
file. During debugging when I step into this method the
thorupextended.cpp file located in <project root>/thorupextended/ is
opened instead of the one located in <project
root>/thorupnegativecycles.  Is this a misconfiguration and if so how
can I fix it ???

My configuration
- Linux FC3
- Eclipse 3.0.1
- CDT 2.1
- g++ 3.4.2
- gdb 6.1

Thanks in advance

Mikael Andersen
cdt-dev mailing list

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