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[cdt-dev] refactoring feature and the 3.0 plan

The commitment for the refactoring:

there is some uncertainty on which bugs can actually be fixed, (mainly
depending on capabilities of AST). So I list some bug- zilla entries
under 'may be fixed'.

- Rename refactoring (commit)
Implement the rename refactoring based on text-search, the DOM and the
Platform's refactoring framework. Renaming operators will not be part of
the initial implementation.
  State: In progress.
    fixes: 75364, 58949, 72617, 72631, 72646, 79231, 79295
    may fix: 63291, 72612, 72620, 72717, 72749, 72888, 73583
  Priority: High

- Rename refactoring for virtual methods (optional) 
Rename overridden and overriding methods simultaneously with a virtual
  State: Not started.
  Bugzilla: 63290, 63312, 72732
  Priority: Low

- Rename refactoring participants (optional) 
Supply an extension point such that interested parties can participate
in a rename refactoring.
  State: Not started.
  Priority: Low

- Change rename refactoring actions (commit) 
Change the rename actions currently in place, such that they run the new
version of refactoring
  State: Not started.
  Priority: Low
    fixes: 58947
    may fix: 60249


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