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Re: [cdt-dev] problem building managed make project with CDT 2.0

The changes that I had you make should persist for the project you reported the problem with. What we want to do now is update the tool definition for the GCC-supplied linker so that all future projects will work properly. It probably goes without saying (but I will anyway) that if you update your version of CDT or reinstall Eclipse/CDT somewhere else, you will have to do this all over again. Make sure you actually have the SDK version of the CDT because we are modifying source. I haven't tested this method with the standard install. I did my editing from the Plug-in Development View, but it isn't necessary to do so.

1. Import > External Plug-ins and Fragments
2. Import As "Projects with source folders" > Next
3. Select org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.ui > Add > Finish
4. Open the "plugin.xml" file in the project that was created during the import
5. Select the "Extensions" tab in the plug-in editor
6. Expand the org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ManagedBuildInfo point
7. By default, two linkers are defined (it will either have the name "GCC C Linker (tool)" or "GCC C++ Linker (tool)"). Select one of these two.
8. Change the value of "outputFlag" from -o to --output= for both definitions.
9. Save
10. Copy <workbench_location>/org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.ui/plugin.xml to <eclipse_location>/plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.ui_2.0.0
11. You can fully delete the plugin project you imported.
12. Here comes the tricky part. I found that I had to disable and renable the Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling SDK for the change to get picked up. You can do this from the Help > Software Updates > Managed Configuration ... dialog. The only pointer I can give you here is to make sure you have clicked the "Show Disabled Features" menu button (3rd from left) so that when you reenable the CDT, you can actually see the feature in the list.

That should do it. Ping me if you have any problems.

Sean Evoy
Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Timothy Perrigo <tperrigo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/08/2004 11:48 AM

Please respond to

Re: [cdt-dev] problem building managed make project with CDT 2.0

That worked!  Let me know what needs to chance in the plugin.xml file
you mentioned.  Thank you very much for your help!


On Jul 8, 2004, at 9:59 AM, Sean Evoy wrote:

> Tim,
> Let's take a different tack, here. Since you are not using an old GCC
> toolchain, we *could* modify the output extension for linker tool so
> that it generates '--output=mo_2' instead of '-omo_2'. Before we walk
> that path,
>  1. Switch to the Navigator view
> 2. Open the .cdtbuild file for the offending project
> 3. Find any XML entry that starts something like <toolReference
> id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.linker" (make sure you get them all)
> 4. Modify the outputFlag attribute so that it contains '--output='
> 5. Close and reopen the project to force the build info to update
> 6. Rebuild
> If that does the trick, then we can modify the tool defs in your
> plugin.xml file so that this will be the default for all new projects.
> Sean Evoy
>  Rational Software - IBM Software Group
>  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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